Thursday, 5 September 2019

A Chord 25 Easy Guitar Chords Variations

A Chord 25 Easy Guitar Chords Variations


In previous lesson we have learnt A Chord 20 Easy Guitar Chords Variations where we have learnt A Chord Guitar Chords 20 Easy Variations such as A Chord, Am Chord, A7 Chord, Am7 Chord, Adim Chord, Adim7 Chord, Asus2 Chord and Asus4 Guitar Chords, I hope you have tried to play each and every A Chord Guitar Chords Variations.

This lesson tells you How to play A Chord guitar different Chords Variations such as A7 Chord, A9 Chord, A11 Chord, Aadd6 Chord, Aadd9 Chord, A5 Chord, Am6 Chord and Am9 Guitar Chords and also check Guitar Chords Chart, so this lesson also holds the same importance.

How to play A chord on the Guitar differently is all about playing A Chord Guitar different Variations, so we have designed this lesson in a way to give you more knowledge on A chord different Guitar Chords Variations which are simple and useful Guitar Chords. Let’s start with the A Chord Guitar variations.


1. A7 Chord Guitar Variation:

A7 Chord Guitar Chords
A7 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play A7 Chord on Guitar, place your first finger on 4th string 2nd fret and third finger on 2nd string 2nd fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 6th need not be played in this A7 Chord Guitar Variation.

2. A7 Chord Guitar Variation-2:

A7 Chord Guitar Chords 2
A7 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play A7 Chord on Guitar, put a barre from your first finger on 2nd fret, place your second finger on 1st string 3rd fret, third finger on 5th string 4th fret and forth finger on 6th string 5th fret.

3. A7 Chord Guitar Variation-3:

A7 Chord Guitar Chords 3
A7 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play A7 Chord on Guitar, put a barre from your first finger on 5th fret, place your second finger on 3rd string 6th fret, third finger on 5th string 7th fret and forth finger on 2nd string 8th fret.

4. A7 Chord Guitar Variation-4:

A7 Chord Guitar Chords 4
A7 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play A7 Chord on Guitar, place your first finger on 4th string 7th fret, second finger on 2nd string 8th fret, third finger on 3rd string 9th fret and forth finger on 1st string 9th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 5th and 6th need not be played in this A7 Chord Guitar Variation.

5. A9 Chord Guitar Variation:

A9 Chord Guitar Chords
A9 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play A9 Chord on Guitar, place your first finger on 3rd string 4th fret, second finger on 4th string 5th fret, third finger on 2nd string 5th fret and forth finger on 1st string 5th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 6th need not be played in this A9 Chord Guitar Variation.

6. A9 Chord Guitar Variation-2:

A9 Chord Guitar Chords 2
A9 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play A9 Chord on Guitar, place your first finger on 5th string 4th fret, second finger on 3rd string 4th fret, third finger on 4th string 5th fret and forth finger on 2nd string 5th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 1st and 6th need not be played in this A9 Chord Guitar Variation.

7. A9 Chord Guitar Variation-3:

A9 Chord Guitar Chords 3
A9 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play A9 Chord on Guitar, put a barre from your first finger on 5th fret so that finger reaches 4th string, second finger on 3rd string 6th fret and third finger on 1st string 7th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 6th need not be played in this A9 Chord Guitar Variation.

8. A11 Chord Guitar Variation:

A11 Chord Guitar Chords
A11 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play A11 Chord on Guitar, place your first finger on 1st and 2nd string 3rd fret (semi barre position), second finger on 3rd string 4th fret and third finger on 4th string 5th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 6th need not be played in this A11 Chord Guitar Variation.

9. A11 Chord Guitar Variation-2:

A11 Chord Guitar Chords 2
A11 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play A11 Chord on Guitar, put a semi barre from your first finger on 7th fret, place your second finger on 2nd string 8th fret and third finger on 1st string 9th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 5th and 6th need not be played in this A11 Chord Guitar Variation.

10. A11 Chord Guitar Variation-3:

A11 Chord Guitar Chords 3
A11 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play A11 Chord on Guitar, put a semi barre from your first finger on 7th fret and place your second finger on 2nd string 8th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 6th need not be played in this A11 Chord Guitar Variation.

11. A13 Chord Guitar Variation:

A13 Chord Guitar Chords
A13 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play A13 Chord on Guitar, put a semi barre from your first finger on 2nd fret, place your third finger on 3rd string 4th fret and forth finger on 4th string 5th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 6th need not be played in this A13 Chord Guitar Variation.

12. A13 Chord Guitar Variation-2:

A13 Chord Guitar Chords 2
A13 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play A13 Chord on Guitar, put a barre from your first finger on 5th fret, place your second finger on 3rd string 6th fret, third finger on 2nd string 7th fret and forth finger on 1st string 7th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 5th need not be played in this A13 Chord Guitar Variation.

13. A13 Chord Guitar Variation-3:

A13 Chord Guitar Chords 3
A13 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play A13 Chord on Guitar, put a barre from your first finger on 12th fret, place your third finger on 4th string 14th fret and forth finger on 1st string 14th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 6th need not be played in this A13 Chord Guitar Variation.

14. Aadd6 Chord Guitar Variation:

Aadd6 Chord Guitar Chords
Aadd6 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play Aadd6 Chord on Guitar, put a barre from your first finger on 5th fret, place your second finger on 3rd string 6th fret, third finger on 4th string 7th fret and forth finger on 2nd string 7th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 5th need not be played in this Aadd6 Chord Guitar Variation.

15. Aadd6 Chord Guitar Variation-2:

Aadd6 Chord Guitar Chords 2
Aadd6 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play Aadd6 Chord on Guitar, place your first finger on 2nd string 10th fret, second finger on 4th string 11th fret, third finger on 3rd string 11th fret and forth finger on 5th string 12th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 1st and 6th need not be played in this Aadd6 Chord Guitar Variation.

16. Aadd9 Chord Guitar Variation:

Aadd9 Chord Guitar Chords
Aadd9 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play Aadd9 Chord on Guitar, place your first finger on 4th string 2nd fret, second finger on 2nd string 2nd fret and third finger on 3rd string 4th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 1st and 6th need not be played in this Aadd9 Chord Guitar Variation.

17. Aadd9 Chord Guitar Variation-2:

Aadd9 Chord Guitar Chords
Aadd9 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play Aadd9 Chord on Guitar, place your first finger on 2nd string 5th fret, second finger on 43rd string 6th fret, third finger on 4th string 7th fret and forth finger on 1st string 7th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 5th and 6th need not be played in this Aadd9 Chord Guitar Variation.

18. Aadd9 Chord Guitar Variation-3:

Aadd9 Chord Guitar Chords 3
Aadd9 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play Aadd9 Chord on Guitar, place your first finger on 4th string 11th fret, second finger on 5th string 12th fret and third finger on 2nd string 12th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 6th, 3rd and 1st need not be played in this Aadd9 Chord Guitar Variation.

19. A5 Chord Guitar Variation:

There are many ways you can play A5 Chord on Guitar.

A5 Chord is basically A Power Chord, guitar power chords always starts from its Root Note. Since 6th string 5th fret is a position for A note so A Power chord will starts from this position.

A5 Chord Guitar Chords
A5 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play A5 Chord or A Power Chord on Guitar, place your first finger on 6th string 5th fret and third finger on 5th string 7th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th  need not be played in this A5 Chord Guitar Variation.

20. A5 Chord Guitar Variation-2:

A5 Chord Guitar Chords 2
A5 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play A5 Chord or A Power Chord on Guitar, place your first finger on 4th string 7th fret and third finger on 3rd string 9th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 1st, 2nd, 5th and 6th need not be played in this A5 Chord Guitar Variation.

21. A5 Chord Guitar Variation-3:

A5 Chord Guitar Chords 3
A5 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play A5 Chord or A Power Chord on Guitar, place your third finger on 5th string 7th fret. Position for first finger is already occupied by A Note (5th string known as A String). A string needs to be played as open in this A5 Chord Guitar Variation (which is indirectly playing A Note and a root note).

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th need not be played in this A5 Chord Guitar Variation.

22. Am6 Chord Guitar Variation:

Am6 Chord Guitar Chords
Am6 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play Am6 Chord on Guitar, place your first finger on 2nd string 1st fret, second finger on 4th string 2nd fret, third finger on 3rd string 2nd fret and forth finger on 1st string 2nd fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 5th and 6th need not be played in this Am6 Chord Guitar Variation.

23. A minor 6 Chord Guitar Variation-2:

Am6 Chord Guitar Chords 2
Am6 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play Am6 Chord on Guitar, put a bar from your first finger on 5th fret, second finger on 5th string 7th fret, third finger on 4th string 7th fret and forth finger on 2nd string 7th fret.

24. Am9 Chord Guitar Variation:

Am9 Chord Guitar Chords
Am9 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play Am9 Chord on Guitar, place your first finger on 2nd string 1st fret, second finger on 4th string 2nd fret and forth finger on 3rd string 4th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

Guitar String 1st and 6th need not be played in this Am9 Chord Guitar Variation.

25. A Minor 9 Chord Guitar Variation-2:

Am9 Chord Guitar Chords 2
Am9 Chord | Guitar Chords

To play Am9 Chord on Guitar, put semi barre from your first finger on 5th fret, third finger on 4th string 7th fret and forth finger on 1st string 7th fret.

A Chord Guitar Recommendation:

String 5th and 6th need not be played in this Am9 Chord Guitar Variation.

In this post we have tried to cover different A Chord Guitar variations such as A7 Chord, A9 Chord, A11 Chord, Aadd6 Chord, Aadd9 Chord, A5 Chord, Am6 Chord and Am9 Guitar Chords. So as to make you familiar with these A Chord Guitar variations

I hope you have enjoyed the lesson. To get more details on Guitar Chords and different techniques and similar lessons check out our complete blog How to Play Guitar Chords.

There is lot more to share, stay in touch.
Happy A Chord Guitar Chords Variations Learning!!!

Talk with Prince

About Talk with Prince

Blog Guitar Chords with Prince is build with the intension to live my dreams and knowledge sharing. Well, I am a successful IT profressional with a deep knoweledge of How to play Guitar. You can say it's my Dream Blog.

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9 September 2019 at 05:08 delete

Very good explanation specially for new learners. Well documented and nice explain from initial.
Good job, and keep Continue posting!!!
